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20. März 2003
"There is a broader discussion on why the left response to crisis has been so weak relative to that of the far-right that I cannot explore here. Suffice it to note that, in my view, an important part of the story is that the political class that has been in power in recent decades as an agent of the TCC [the emerging transnational capitalist class] is more than bankrupt — it is feeding the turn to the far right. As the corporate, political, and cultural elite came to embrace “multiculturalism” and “diversity,” their strategy aimed to neuter through a politics of cooptation the demands for social justice and anti-capitalist transformation. The strategy has served to eclipse the language of the working and popular classes and of anti-capitalism. It helps to derail ongoing revolts from below, has helped push white workers into an “identity” of white nationalism and helped the neo-fascist right organize them politically (among the extensive literature on these matters, see, i.a., Haider, 2018; Historical Materialism, 2018; Johnson, 2017; Michaels, 2016; Reed, 2001; Kelley, 2016; Darder and Torres, 2004; Street, 2017)."
Robinson, William I. (2019): "Global Capitalist Crisis and Twenty-First Century Fascism: Beyond the Trump Hype", SCIENCE & SOCIETY, 83(2).

In der Wissenschaft haben es einige durchschaut - wenn es sich bis in die Bevölkerung herumspricht gibt es vielleicht doch noch Hoffnung für die Linke. Ganz bemerkenswert und passend zur Thematik ist auch ein aktuelles Interview mit dem im obigen Text zitierten Reed zu Sanders:


20. März 2003
Trump’s political strategy is primitive but effective. He picks something that polls badly, and kicks it in the crotch. Then he backs off and lets three eternal truths do the rest of the work.

One: A news media that pretends moral outrage will greedily cover his every move (cable-news profits have soared 36 percent since Trump began his run four years ago).

Two: In a fractured political landscape, the so-called “legitimate” politicians who are his main competition will spend more time fighting one another than him. This is because intellectuals can’t bring themselves to take Trump’s dumbed-down version of politics seriously.

Third: America’s upper classes and their proxies in government and media have no capacity for self-reflection, and will make asses of themselves in a fight. This is where Trump makes his living, getting people who should know better to rise to his bait. It’s a simple formula: Incite brawls that seem like clear political losers, only to eventually maneuver controversies to his advantage.

Trump launched his 2020 re-election campaign on June 18th in Orlando. Within a month, he was picking his first major campaign fight. The backdrop was Trump’s decision to increase the number of criminal prosecutions for illegal border entry. His innovation was making systematic the separation of families in custody, a move that seemed to have no practical purpose except as a deterrent of the Game of Thrones heads-on-spikes variety.

When everyone from the American Academy of Pediatrics to his wife to Lindsey Graham expressed revulsion — dude, kids? — Trump finally signed an executive order reversing the policy. He then characteristically blamed the mess on Democrats. By then, the situation had become a fiasco and, like all things in the Trump era, a media goat rope of monstrous proportions. (August 2019)


20. März 2003


15. April 2002
Die AKP hat mal erneut für ein "Marry-your-rapist-Gesetz" Anlauf genommen. Gleichzeitig soll Kindesmissbrauch in der Türkei im Fall einer Heirat straffrei werden.
Dazu zwei Zitate:
Adem Sözüer, der Leiter der Abteilung für Straf- und Strafprozessrecht der Universität Istanbul, kritisiert in der „Cumhuriyet“, dass der neue Gesetzentwurf die Gewalttaten gegen Frauen und Kinder erhöhen würde, weil er „eine Mentalität legitimiert, dass Frauen Objekte sind, die man besitzt und die zur sexuellen Befriedigung existieren“
Ein erster Anlauf geschah 2016. Ein Zitat von damals ist noch immer aktuell und bringt es auf den Punkt:
Politologe Burak Copur von der Universität Duisburg-Essen hatte damals kritisiert, es handle sich um einen Versuch, Kinderehen und letztendlich auch sexuellen Missbrauch im Nachhinein zu legitimieren. Das sei „eine riesengroße Tragödie für die Opfer von sexueller Gewalt und ein handfester politischer Skandal“.


20. März 2003
"If you’ve been spending any time online or watching cable TV, you’ve gotten the message that humanity now faces two grave threats — a novel coronavirus and the crashing stock market — of roughly equal importance. Yesterday CNBC’s Rick Santelli went further, staking out the position that stocks losing value is actually more terrifying than millions of deaths. “Maybe we’d be just better off if we gave it to everybody,” Santelli sagely explained. That way, lots of people would expire quickly, thereby removing the uncertainty that’s been plaguing investors."


15. April 2002
Trumps Problem: Das Coronavirus ist die Wahrheit und entpuppt sich als "ein Feind, den er nicht wegtwittern kann", wie die "New York Times" schreibt.
Man müsse sich der bürokratischen Unterdrückung wissenschaftlicher Wahrheit zugunsten politisch akzeptabler Fiktion bewusst werden, heißt es im Bericht des "Scientific American" abschließend: "Und in einem Moment, in dem unsere Gesellschaft verlässliche wissenschaftliche Information am meisten braucht, ist die gefährlichste Quelle der Fehlinformationen unser eigener Präsident."
Das Coronavirus schafft, woran alle anderen scheitern: Es entlarvt Donald Trumps Lügen


15. April 2002
The United States’ growing political disarray has long shaken the confidence of admirers and emulators worldwide undermining US standing and influence. Globally, democracy is on the retreat, autocracy is on the rise, and human rights are on the run, making the world more inhospitable to human development and peace. The economic and social stresses caused by pandemic will sharpen the threat to democracy, requiring US leadership at its best when politics remain at their worst.
Coronavirus has exposed the United States’ own political virus
by John Raidt

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