Hitler's children

Ist die USA noch 'the land of the free'

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  • Nein. (für alle anderen)

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  • Umfrageteilnehmer


3. Juli 2002
Hunble schrieb:
Midgard schrieb:
You are a free man and you can have a free opinion!
This is the reaseon that america is so big!! But, i can´t belive that you only repeat the words of your president!?!

Actually, these are my opinions. Thankfully, President Bush thinks like me and that is why I am not angry at him.

I am rather upset that President Bush did not attack Iraq last year, but at least he has finally figuring it out.

For 8 years, the world lived with President Clinton. A disgusting criminal that could not tell the truth, even if his life depended on it.

imo clinton was the best president since john f. kennedy.

Hunble schrieb:
I do not blame you or other Germans for thinking that President Bush may be like that. Seriously, the majority of people simply do not know how to handle an honest President!

Listen very closely to the words that President Bush uses. His actual words, and not what some people falsely say.

actually i saw bush's own words quite a few times when he was supposed to speak in front of tv cameras without havin his staff written a speech for him and his words are the words of a texan farmer and cowboy, not of a us president ....


26. Dezember 2002
tsuribito schrieb:
Germany, France and Belgium do not support Hussein (who is a dictator btw not a terrorist)!

You are correct, Hussein is a dictator and not a terrorist. However, that dictator has supported the terrorists.

You know, it would be wonderful if a police officer never had to use force on a criminal. In a magic world, a police officer could simply order a criminal to walk into a prison without any arguments.

Unfortunately, we live in a real world where criminals are not that nice and friendly. Sometime you must use force to prevent the murder of innocent civilians.


27. September 2002
You can only fight Saddam BY KILLING CIVILLIANS!
Thats what you want to prevent??

You have to help the people of iraq and let their hatred towards the USA shrink.
They will get rid of Saddam all by themselves


3. Juli 2002
Hunble schrieb:
America will LIBERATE the Iraq people like we did in Afghanistan. Next year, the Iraq people will hate the German and French people because they tried to prevent it.

how are you supposed to know that people in iraq and afghanistan welcome your "liberation" ? just because you think your way of life is the better one ?

one could even think the us needs liberation from a dictatorship. you have a president ruling that got less votes than his counterpart and this president is leading the usa into war like hitler did with germany 70 years ago.

germany has no intention to piss off the usa, we just know what it means to have war in our very own country - something you folks never suffered from except for pearl harbor and that were peanuts compared to the carpet boming of german cities in ww2.


26. Dezember 2002
captainfuture schrieb:
[actually i saw bush's own words quite a few times when he was supposed to speak in front of tv cameras without havin his staff written a speech for him and his words are the words of a texan farmer and cowboy, not of a us president ....

You know, I always loved watching John Wayne cowboy movies. Honesty, Integrity and Courage.

John Wayne
The mere mention of his name produces images of courage and patriotism.

Concepts that may be difficult for you or others to understand.



3. Juli 2002
Hunble schrieb:
tsuribito schrieb:
Germany, France and Belgium do not support Hussein (who is a dictator btw not a terrorist)!

You are correct, Hussein is a dictator and not a terrorist. However, that dictator has supported the terrorists.

... and the us government did support bin laden AND hussein in the past so you are supporters of terrorists, too ?


17. Januar 2003

Wenn es nach den aktuellen Kriegsplänen der Amerikaner geht, wird in Bagdad wohl kaum einer mehr Sadam unterstützen können ( Erstschlag mit 200 - 300 Raketen )! Das hat für mich etwas von der "Befreiung" Berlins und anderer deutscher Städte :evil:


"You are with us, or with the terrorists!"

I think your words are a little bit strange!
Please teach us the german history ones again!
America did it after the 2. world war. You can read it in all schoolbooks that are printet in germany and allowed from america.
In this books you can read the same words, but spoken from Mr. Hitler :twisted: :!:

What do you thing now about your great Mr. President :?: :idea: :?:

Grüße aus Midgard


10. April 2002
Hello Hunble,

don't you think that war on Iraq will destabilise the whole region (like Iran is having considerable problems since Bush declared them to the axis of evil). Or take Saudi-Arabia. Quite a lot Arabs see it as a matter of religion and even you once referred to the "Islamic problem".

Please answer me 2 questions (as you like to point that it is why you are here):

As a military person wouldn't you think it would have been possible to have Saddam killed and replaced. (And do you think that it has ever happened that the CIA made use of this method to replace governments?)

Where are the evidences for the link between Saddam and Bin Laden?

Why don't you react to the provocations from North Corea that completely went mad since you named them as axis of evil? I am rather concerned about those guys. Why aren't you?

Once the American military has occupied the liberated Iraq, I have a very strong feeling that we will find many things that Germany did not want the World to know about.

Such as?


17. Oktober 2002

Hunble schrieb:
I realize that honesty and simple concepts may be difficult for you or other Germans to understand.

In fact it isn't that simple. But as mentioned in another text, the (us) army(ies) searches only soldiers who totally follow the TRUTH of their leaders and did not waste time in order to think by themselves.

You speak of Belgium, Germany and France who doesn't support the war on the unguilty Iraq (in dubio pro reo!)

Russia has joined or opinion too and Chine is also very close.

But I think these doen't count, cause they are only the soviet hordes and commuinst, right?

Start thinking! If the world is against you, not the world is wrong


12. Mai 2002
Hunble schrieb:
I realize that honesty and simple concepts may be difficult for you or other Germans to understand.

That is why it is so funny reading this website. Everyone is looking for some dark and secret reason for America to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.

Afghanistan was told to turn over the Al Quada terrorists, or America would attack. They did not listen, and America attacked.

Iraq was told to turn over their biological and chemical weapons, or America would attack. Next month, Iraq will get it's ass kicked.

America will LIBERATE the Iraq people like we did in Afghanistan. Next year, the Iraq people will hate the German and French people because they tried to prevent it.

I love this website because it helps me understand the German mentality. Why is Germany going out of it's way to piss-off America?

Once the American military has occupied the liberated Iraq, I have a very strong feeling that we will find many things that Germany did not want the World to know about.

By the way, thanks for the "salt in the soup" comment. My wife and I loved it. Thank you friend.

well it was me a pleasure to write that comment with the "salt in the soup" :wink:
i am glad to read that you both like it :wink:

you are right... simple concepts and words like honesty are difficault to understand for me and it seems like many others feel the same about that.

i think the reason is to find in the european history...

like i mentioned it in another thread we have learned from history that simple concepts and such strong words like honesty has to often led to terrible desasters.

i mistrust simple concepts because i feel, well i would say i know through the things i see happening around the world, that their seldom are simple concepts being reasonable for the simple seeming facts.

well i don`t know how you know the american history or if you know the history of conspiracy in europe. but there are many facts carried together that show clearly that simple concepts are seldom more than a nice surface of a complex game of power.

i have no doubt that people like you realy belive in honesty and in the simple naked truth you see.. how else could you be able to act as a soldier and how else could you do your job if you have to many doubts about what you are doing there... i guess you were trained too..

but i was told to mistrust authority because some persons of my family were involved in the to twelve years compressed millenium of the nazis.

wether the history of europe or any other part of the world i have heared about seems to have a history of the simple concepts.

perhaps americans are more optimistic in such things...

perhaps they are too optimistic in such questions.

do you know the term blue eyed?

well never the less :wink:

it is not a kind of generall antiamericanism i hope you can realize that

we have strongly different opinions but we are not at war :wink:

surly wether i or the most of the other people discussing here with you are with the terrorists... but many of us.. including me see in the 9 11 more and more a variation of the german "reichstagsbrand" ... it is not clear how it happens... but we all know what happend then... the "reichstagsbrand" was used and welcomend by the regime... it gave em the possibility to install laws against the people and i see a parallel to what happens at the moment in the usa including that strange war that is comming up in the middle east.

i can`t see the big good use of that war...

i see what that politic does to the iran soft revolution that could be rapidly stopped through fear.... i see the many dead left on a battlefield ... and i simply see other solutions than the war to take saddams weapons away...

well but however .. greetings to you and your wive my friend :wink:


27. September 2002

Wenn es nach den aktuellen Kriegsplänen der Amerikaner geht, wird in Bagdad wohl kaum einer mehr Sadam unterstützen können ( Erstschlag mit 200 - 300 Raketen )! Das hat für mich etwas von der "Befreiung" Berlins und anderer deutscher Städte

The population will be killed in a war.
Thats one way to liberate them. - Liberate them from life
Unfortunatly the ones that will be killed are the ones who are to rebuild iraq and establish democracy.
The rich and the powerfull will survive and establish a new gouvernment.
They will be happy about it since now they can sell their oil and the ex (and future) terrorist supporters will become richer and more powerfull.


10. April 2002
Hunble schrieb:
Next year, the Iraq people will hate the German and French people because they tried to prevent it.


Sorry, but I already told you that people hate nothing more but those who murdered their sons and husbands.
Ask the people of baghdad. I don't think that they want to be bombed out.

You decided to provoke terrorism. In the future you will have to live with the consequences. May your god bless your people.


26. Dezember 2002
Agarthe schrieb:
As a military person wouldn't you think it would have been possible to have Saddam killed and replaced. (And do you think that it has ever happened that the CIA made use of this method to replace governments?)

Where are the evidences for the link between Saddam and Bin Laden?

Why don't you react to the provocations from North Corea that completely went mad since you named them as axis of evil? I am rather concerned about those guys. Why aren't you?

1) A simple sniper bullet into Saddam Hussein's head would fix the problem and save many lives.

2) Since the 1960's, it is absolutely illegal for any American to assassinate a political leader. Stupid law, but that is what we have to deal with today.

3) North Korea has nuclear weapons. A war against a country that has nuclear weapons, will require that the U.S. military to use nuclear weapons.

4) North Korea has major internal problems. They are simply trying to bait the United States, in an effort to divert the attention their population away from the horrors that they live under today.

5) In North Korea, the people are starving to death. The economy is an absolute failure!

6) Why start a nuclear war with North Korea, when simply ignoring them is America's best weapon?

7) Why does Germany wish America to fight a nuclear war with North Korea?


12. Mai 2002
well i know many evidences, that saddam would not support the extrem islamic terrorists.. even if he now tries to take that support.. but in times as he was more save on his throne he would never have thought about showing us religious lies...

the al quaida is extrem muslim organisation.. saddam is a secular dictator... so guess what.. al quaida is a danger for saddam hussein too...

a wahabitic streaming like the al quaida hates a regime like the iraq regime .... they would work against it.. the afghan republic was exactly what people like osama bin laden are dreaming of ( surly more comfortable perhaps... )

the people in north corea are starving... right...

and the fact, that the usa stopped every support, that the usa told the north corean nation a part of the axis of evil caused that outrage of madness in north corea.. the result is that provocation and that nuclear danger...

noone wishes that the usa should fight a war with north corea.. but your goverment should react in some form.. perhaps with deescaltion ... it seems to me that this is a foreign word in the usa at the moment..


26. Dezember 2002
I have no doubt that people like you realy belive in honesty and in the simple naked truth you see.. how else could you be able to act as a soldier and how else could you do your job if you have to many doubts about what you are doing there... i guess you were trained too..

.. greetings to you and your wive my friend :wink:[/quote]

I do find it rather interesting that Germans think that calling President Bush a "cowboy" is a bad term.

Since I owned a horse ranch and a few cows in New Mexico during the 1980s, I am rather proud of the term "cowboy!"

What makes the American soldier unique in the world, is because he is allowed to think! With every other military around the world, a soldier is required to simply follow orders without question.

That is why Americans will always target the officers when we are fighting an enemy. Kill the officers, and the idiot soldiers no longer know what to do.

Americans think and do question everything. If an American officer is killed, it is not a problem. Each and every soldier in the unit knows what to do.

I learned the very first day that I joined the Army in 1974, that any illegal order from an officer must NEVER be followed. If I follow an illegal order from an officer, I will go to prison and be held responsible.

When I must look into my Soul and figure out what is right or wrong, I ask myself a simple question:

In this situation, what would John Wayne do?

By the way, after watching this John Wayne movie about Vietnam, I joined the Army!



10. April 2002
Where are the evidences for the link between Saddam and Bin Laden?

2) Since the 1960's, it is absolutely illegal for any American to assassinate a political leader. Stupid law, but that is what we have to deal with today.

Do you think this law has never been violated again since the 60's? And the CIA could not be trusted to do that? Just a question...

5) In North Korea, the people are starving to death. The economy is an absolute failure!

They have little to loose, I'd say. This Kim is a pretty mad boy and he got a bit upset by Bush putting him on the "evil" list. So you just hope that this guy is not serious? Okay...

6) Why start a nuclear war with North Korea, when simply ignoring them is America's best weapon?

Is it? They are building their nuclear weapons right now, aren't they?

7) Why does Germany wish America to fight a nuclear war with North Korea?

What makes you guess Germany wants you to fight a nuclear war? Did you notice that Germany does not even support war against a country like Iraq?

don't you think that war on Iraq will destabilise the whole region (like Iran is having considerable problems since Bush declared them to the axis of evil).

Once the American military has occupied the liberated Iraq, I have a very strong feeling that we will find many things that Germany did not want the World to know about.



7. Juli 2002
ist die fragestellung eigentlich frei und demokratisch?

Ja, natürlich (Bitte nur MAXIM)
Nein. (für alle anderen)

also schonmal total daneben.

habe mit ja gestimmt.
die meisten verwechseln hier ein land mit einer augenblicklich hirnkranken regierung.
die goessten schreihaelse kennen america eh nur aus den nachrichten, oder waren mal mit neckermann fuer ne woche in NY. (oder mit der BW in el paso).
amerika ist immer noch ein schoenes land mit tollen einwohnern und einer multikultur die seines gleichen sucht. (leider auch mit allen schwierigkeiten).
so wie jedes land hat auch amerika schwachpunkte, nur vergleicht es bitte nicht mit deutschland, holland oder oesterreich. die groessenordung amerikas ist ueberproportional.


26. Dezember 2002
forcemagick schrieb:
noone wishes that the usa should fight a war with north corea.. but your goverment should react in some form.. perhaps with deescaltion ... it seems to me that this is a foreign word in the usa at the moment..

America is reacting in a very smart way.

We are ignoring North Korea!

If you fully understood the internal politics in North Korea today, you would realize that that approach is actually worse than using a nuclear weapon.

For the same reason, that is why the United States is ignoring IRAN today.

Believe me, Iran is much worse than Iraq ever was. There are reasons behind what America is doing today. Sometimes by doing nothing, you can topple a government.

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