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Simple Man

4. November 2004
[url= schrieb:
Roman Herzog in einem Interview mit der BILD[/url]]"Es gibt auch ein Grundrecht auf Dummheit."


25. April 2007

Antwort eines Schichtleiters in einer Brotfabrik, die für Lidl Brötchen produziert, auf die Frage von Günter Wallraf, warum die Backmaschinen mit alten Blechen bestückt werden, die häufig "Staus" in der Backstrasse hervorrufen, die von den Beschäftigten bei laufendem Betrieb unter hoher Verletzungsgefahr behoben werden müssen.


Ein kurz nach der Geburt verendetes Kalb aus dem Stall des Brötchenfabrikbesitzers, der laut Wallraf knöcheltief mit Kot verdreckt ist und kaum gepflegt wird.

Eine Szene, kurz vor meinem Weggang, ist mir seither oft vor Augen: Ein neuer Arbeiter steht in der Halle, allein, verzweifelt, er schreit, weil er sich verbrannt hat. Er hat keine Ahnung, was er tun kann, niemand hilft ihm, auch keiner der Kollegen.
Die böse Hexe im Märchen landet im Ofen, ob Familie Schwarz eines Tages das gleiche Schicksal erwartet, wenn der Klassenkampf nicht mehr nur verbal ausgetragen wird? :?


10. April 2002
Die böse Hexe im Märchen landet im Ofen, ob Familie Schwarz eines Tages das gleiche Schicksal erwartet, wenn der Klassenkampf nicht mehr nur verbal ausgetragen wird?
Sicher, wenn die Klassenkämpfer mal wieder die Sippenhaft einführen.
Hat in dem Zusammenhang ja eine feine Tradition hierzulande.

Aber zurück zu Zitaten statt Kommentaren:

Bloch has admitted to hiring Geeks on Call — a computer servicing company — to purge his computer and two of his deputies' computers. But he said the computers contained a virus, which necessitated a purge. Investigators are looking into whether the purge was meant to destroy evidence related to the current investigation.

NPR News über die Untersuchung gegen den Leiter des Office of Special Counsel


20. März 2003
"Beam me up, Scotty!"

In der Daily Show gab es gestern ein recht interessantes Interview mit Scott McClellan - einigen vielleicht noch bekannt als ehemaliger Pressesprecher von Bush (2003 bis 2006). McClellan veröffentlichte vor kurzem das Werk "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception", in dem er offenbar einerseits mit der Bush-Regierung mehr oder weniger hart ins Gericht geht, aber gleichzeitig von den ehrenwerten Intentionen der Verantwortlichen berichtet. Auch im Interview mit Jon Stewart streitet McClellan ab, dass die Bevölkerung bewusst getäuscht wurde. Stewart insistiert:

Stewart: If they sat in a room and said, "When we go to campaign for this war, let's not tell them how much it costs — let's not mention it," that's a sin of omission. That's a lie.

McClellan: Yeah, there's really no difference whether it's deliberate or intentional or — or —

Stewart: There is.

McClellan: — not; they're both problematic in their own way.

Stewart: Bgbgbg — they're not both problematic: one is homicide; the other is involuntary manslaughter.

McClellan: That could be criminal, for instance.

Stewart: That's what I'm saying! That's my point! In the book, you make it very clear, you go out of your way to say you don't think it's intentional —

McClellan: And I don't.

Stewart: — but I haven't seen any evidence that it's not intentional, because everything was done with aforethought. It may not have been done with malice, so it may not be first-degree murder, but it was done with aforethought.

McClellan: See, I think these are good people; they just got caught in this whole atmosphere.

Stewart: [...] Here's what I find so fascinating, and this has to do with the media's role in all this —

McClellan: Right.

Stewart: — and the way that — you say that they were "complicit." Ari Fleischer, who was your predecessor, and Karl Rove, who — whether you believe he has good intentions or not — clearly is the strategic head of the propaganda in the Bush White House —

McClellan: That's true, that's true.

Stewart: — were hired by news organizations. Literally spent their entire careers over the past few years lying to them, or to put it more pleasantly, obfuscating, and the people that they did that to went, "You guys are great!" and they hired them. How is that not — I don't know, from low self-esteem? Why would they do that? Why would they continue to aid these people?

McClellan: It's the whole relationship in D.C.: you know, they view them as the brilliant strategist that operates under these game rules and does a great job, so we value what he has to say.

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Simple Man

4. November 2004
[url= schrieb:
~ John McCain ~[/url]]"Well, I’ve been sleeping like a baby, I sleep two hours, wake up, and cry. Sleep two hours, wake up, and cry."


20. März 2003
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Barack Obama (Juli 2008)

“History shows that ‘civilian national security forces’ bode ill for citizens."

"You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential of going down that road."
Rep. Paul Broun (R-Georgia)


"Black voters say "no" to California's same-sex marriage. Will it spark a culture war with gay militants?"
Berichterstattung bei FOX News über das Verbot der Homo-Ehe in Kalifornien.


Auch bei den Anhörungen der CEOs von Ford, Chrysler and General Motors zu den vom Staat geforderten Bailout-Geldern gab es ein paar interessante Kommentare:

"There is a delicious irony in seeing private luxury jets flying into Washington, D.C., and people coming off of them with tin cups in their hand, saying that they're going to be trimming down and streamlining their businesses."
"It's almost like seeing a guy show up at the soup kitchen in high hat and tuxedo. It kind of makes you a little bit suspicious."
Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-New York)

"I'm going to ask you to raise your hand if you are planning to sell your jet in place now and fly back commercial."
"Let the record show, no hands went up."
Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA)


9. Juli 2003
"Du gehst mit Rückgrat in die Wahlkabine, und du kommst ohen Rückgrat wieder heraus - das wäre für mich der falsche Weg."
Carmen Everts, hessische Landtagsabgeordnete, zu den Gründen für ihre Ablehnung der Wahl Andrea Ypsilantis zur Ministerpräsidentin

"Ich habe mich in den letzten Wochen in einem extremen Gewissenskonflikt befunden."
Silke Tesch, hessische Landtagsabgeordnete, die ebenfalls eine von den Lonken tolerierte Landesregierung nicht unterstützt

"Wenn man wirklich Gewissensnöte hat, dann weiß man das eher als 24 Stunden vorher"
Franz Müntefering, SPD-Vorsitzender

...alle im FOCUS gefunden.


20. März 2003
"It's frightening because I believe that Obama is showing many of the characteristics of the beast."
"I've said that he's exhibiting signs of the Antichrist."
Rev. Daniel W. Blair

"Barack Hussein Obama is not the Antichrist. And whoever believes that is surely mislead and misguided."
"Obama is indeed the next Hitler."
Rev. James David Manning

Aus einer unterhaltsamen Reportage der Daily Show.


20. März 2003
“Some derogatory comments were being made about Muslims that offended her. She was seven months pregnant, and she thought she didn’t want her kids growing up in this environment.”
Muzzammil Hassan, Gründer von Bridges TV, über die Entstehung des Senders und seine Frau, die er angeblich vor kurzem geköpft hat.
Beheading Moderate Islam

Kommentare zum Thema:
This is not a soap plot crafted by a malicious Islamophobe—although as an American Muslim, I find myself wishing it was.
Restraining order against ignorance

Were Aasiya and Muzzammil Hassan living in a strange society? Was she not an American? She was a Pakistani-American, but still an American all the same. Is the murderer not an American, one of us? Is a Pakistani-American family who has resided in America for 25 years an exception to U.S. society? How is an average American family defined?
U.S. Beheading Is a Crime, Not an Honor Killing

By remaining silent, Aasiya sought to avoid bringing controversy to her beloved community whose negative image she was helping to correct. It is my dream and the dream of many Americans - and the Muslim community specifically - that we will use her tragic death as a rallying cry to eliminate domestic violence.
Turning the Tragedy of Aasiya Zubair Hassan into Action


20. März 2003
"Outrageous" is the word of the day in Washington, used by President Barack Obama and various officials to describe insurance giant-turned-ward of the state AIG.
The focus of their ire: $165m in bonuses the firm is paying out to managers in the London-based financial products division, the same people who gambled away $40bn in credit default swaps based on bad mortgages before the government took over the company at the cost of $170bn in taxpayer money.
The AIG bonuses can't be blocked (Michael Paarlberg)

This company, more than any other single entity, is responsible for the crash of world credit markets resulting in the strangling of America’s working families and businesses by the millions.
AIG has shamelessly lined up for a $170 billion handout only to be used to cover up its own incompetence and irresponsible business practices.
Joe Courtney (D-Connecticut)

This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed.
It’s hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million.
How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?
Barack Obama

AIG May Have to Reveal More Pay Data, Faces Subpoena (Update2)


20. März 2003
"In addition to using the confinement boxes alone, you also would like to introduce an insect into one of the boxes with Zubaydah. As we understand it, you plan to inform Zubaydah that you are going to place a stinging insect into the box, but you will actually place a harmless insect in the box, such as a caterpillar. . . . [Y]ou must inform him that the insects will not have a sting that would produce death or severe pain."
Jay S. Bybee (Memo for the Acting Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency)

"If somebody can go through water-boarding for 183 times, 6 times a day .... it means you’re not afraid of it, it means it’s not torture. If you’ve found a way to withstand it, it can’t possibly be torture."
Rush Limbaugh

"I know the last few days have been difficult. I acted primarily because of the exceptional circumstances that surrounded these memos," he said. "Particularly the fact that so much of the information was public."
Obama erklärt die Veröffentlichung der Folter-Memos vor der CIA.

Who Defends ‘Torture’?
Jay S. Bybee: It's Not Torture If You Use A Caterpillar


10. April 2002
Ursula von der Leyen schrieb:
"Wir wissen, dass bei den vielen Kunden, die es gibt, rund 80 Prozent die ganz normalen User des Internets sind. Und jeder, der jetzt zuhört, kann eigentlich sich selber fragen, wen kenne ich, der Sperren im Internet aktiv umgehen kann. Die müssen schon deutlich versierter sein. Das sind die 20 Prozent. Die sind zum Teil schwer Pädokriminelle. Die bewegen sich in ganz anderen Foren. Die sind versierte Internetnutzer, natürlich auch geschult im Laufe der Jahre in diesem widerwärtigen Geschäft"


20. März 2003
You know what? Just send me a sticker and I'll put it on my f****** television.

Jon Stewart über die "Unverified Material"-Einblendungen, die bei der CNN-Iran-Berichterstattung wegen der großen Anzahl an Twitter- und Facebook-Quellen verwendet werden.


20. März 2003
Hunger can be a positive motivator. What is wrong with the idea of getting a job so you can get better meals? Tip: If you work for McDonald’s, they will feed you for free during your break.
Cynthia Davis (R-MO) begründet ihre Ablehnung gegenüber dem "summer food program", durch das Kinder aus armen Familien vergünstigt Essen bekommen.

So, Representative Davis is truly looking out for Missouri's children. But, who's looking out for Representative Davis? Could it be that she's never risen above the state legislature because she developed the anti-motivating habit of eating? We must help her folks. People of Missouri, if you see Representative Davis at a restaurant or at a hot dog stand or even through the window of her own dining room, do the right thing and take her food away!
Stephen Colbert über Cynthia Davis, TCR 01.07.2009

How much did President Bush know specifically about the methods that were being used? Did President Bush know everything you knew?

Dick Cheney:
Ahm, I certainly ah... yeah, have every reason to believe he knew... ah, he knew a great deal about it. He basically authorized it. I mean, this was a presidential level decision and the decision went to the President and he signed off on it.
Face the Nation, CBS, Mai 2009

GHADIRI (through translator): This death of Ms. Nada is very suspicious. She was shot from behind. The location was where there was not much demonstration, there was no police presence and the gun that shot and killed her was a smuggled gun. It was not a government-issued gun. [...]

My question is that how is that this Nada was shot from behind and several cameras take that. And this is done in an area where there was no important demonstration... If the CIA wants to kill some people and attribute that to the elements of the government and then choosing a girl would be something good for them because it would have much higher impact. Therefore, we believe and we are looking into this to find who the elements were who did this. [...]

BLITZER: Do you really believe that, Mr. Ambassador? You're a distinguished diplomat representing Iran. This is a very serious accusation that you're making, that the CIA was responsible for killing this beautiful, young woman.

GHADIRI (through translator): I'm not saying that the CIA had done this. There are different groups. Could be intelligence services, could be CIA, could be the terrorists. However, these are the people who do these things.
Der iranische Botschafter Ghadiri im Interview mit Wolf Blitzer, CNN, Ende Juni 2009

A reader emails: "one of my most vivid memories of 79 was the many many american movies, tv shows they started streaming. it was such a complete contrast to what was happening outside real time. unimaginable that the current regime is doing exactly what the shah did. what goes around comes around..."

"We as consumers have more power than we think. [...] We vote three times a day."
Robert Kenner ("Food Inc.")


10. April 2002
Peer Steinbrück, SPD
Soziale Gerechtigkeit muss künftig heißen, eine Politik für jene zu machen, die etwas für die Zukunft unseres Landes tun: die lernen und sich qualifizieren, die arbeiten, die Kinder bekommen und erziehen, die etwas unternehmen und Arbeitsplätze schaffen, kurzum, die Leistung für sich und unsere Gesellschaft erbringen. Um die – und nur um sie – muss sich Politik kümmern.


20. März 2003
Heute gibt's ein kleines Special zu Glenn Beck (FOX News, ehemals CNN):

"It was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life, to receive healthcare in the United States."
"This is one of the hospitals where the president of GE is going. If they don't care about the president of GE, do you really think they care about, you know, shlubs that are just average working stiffs?"
"We seem to be [....] a society or a system now at healthcare that is just trying to shove the patients out that door as fast as they can."
"A personal voyage through the nightmare that is our healthcare system."
Glenn Beck bei CNN, Anfang 2008. (Das letzte Zitat ist aus einer Ankündigung seiner Show.)

"America already has the best healthcare in the world!"
"You are about to lose the best healthcare system in the world!"
"What does it mean for the rest of the world if we lose our position as the innovator, as having the best healthcare in the world?"
Glenn Beck bei FOX News, August 2009.

"This president has exposed himself as a guy over and over and over again who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture. [...] I'm not saying that he doesn't like white people. I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.
Aufgrund dieses Zitates wird Beck inzwischen auch von wichtigen Unternehmen boykottiert....

Zum Abschluss noch ein nettes Internet-Fundstück:

We were there. And as members of the team, we know the difference between rumor, reality, fact, and fiction. This is our chance to stand up, speak up, and set the record straight.
Bush-Cheney Alumni Association

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