Auf die Schnelle:@ agentP: Kannst du mir vielleicht einen direkten Link zu (bestenfalls aktuellen) Texten von ai liefern, die sich insbesondere mit der Pressefreiheit und/oder Wahlen in Venezuela beschäftigen?
Human rights defenders
Human rights defenders continued to face harassment and intimidation.
There were concerns over the safety of members of the human rights organization COFAVIC (Comité de Familiares de Víctimas de los Sucesos de Febrero-Marzo de 1989), after their police protection was withdrawn in March. The organization had made a public statement which criticized the authorities for not bringing to justice the perpetrators of human rights violations committed during confrontations in 1989 between the opposition, the police and the military. In November 2002, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights had ordered Venezuela to protect members of COFAVIC after they suffered threats and acts of intimidation.
Freedom of expression
Administrative and tax proceedings were allegedly used to restrict freedom of expression. The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights expressed concern over the decision of the National Agency for the Administration of Taxes and Customs to impose a fine and order a 24-hour closure of the regional newspaper El Impulso, reportedly because it had criticized restrictions on freedom of expression in Venezuela.
Furthermore, the cases included in this report indicate that several of those detained were not only not involved in criminal acts prior to detention, but then faced ill-treatment and torture while in the custody of the security forces. Reports received also indicate that subsequent investigations undertaken by the Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas (CICPC)(1), Technical Police, Fiscalía General de la Nación , Attorney General's Office, and Defensoría del Pueblo, Human Rights Ombudsman's Office, to establish the facts around these alleged abuses and prosecute those responsible have been slow and inadequate. In comparison, these same authorities have acted with energy against opposition activists who allegedly participated in or incited violence. Over recent years, these institutions have failed to fulfil their constitutional role to act with equal impartiality against government supporters and opponents accused of committing crimes related to the ongoing political crisis. This lack of impartiality, combined with long standing structural weaknesses of these key institutions, threatens to strengthen the culture of impunity that has accompanied human rights abuses over many years in Venezuela.
Tut mir leid, aber ich kann nicht finden, dass Wahlen wirklich frei sind, wenn man als Oppositioneller massive Gängelung von Jobverlust über willkürliche Verhaftung bis hin zu Folter riskiert. Auch dann nicht, wenn dies nicht direkt vor oder am Wahltag passiert und auch dann nicht, wenn es etwas subtiler durch massive Ungleichbehandlung z.B. von juristischen Verfahren erfolgt.
Doppelt gemoppelt hält besser.Wie nötigt man denn bitte eine inzwischen durchweg chavistisch ausgerichtete Belegschaft, Chavez zu wählen?