Guerrilla of the week


15. April 2002
People in the US demand for an independent investigation of 9/11.

Last week, the families of 9/11 victims announced a multi-trillion dollar lawsuit against those they hold responsible for the attacks, a company run by Osama bin Laden's family, Saudi Arabian princes and Sudan. They join a growing movement of people affected by the attacks who are demanding answers and action. In June, a group of victims’ families protested in front of Congress, demanding the U.S. government give a full account of how it could allow the attacks to take place. Kristen Breitweiser, whose husband, Ronald, was killed in the World Trade Center attack, is leading the charge. Breitweiser, who didn’t even know her congressman’s name before the attacks, has met with lawmakers and appeared on national television. Last week, she appeared on a blockbuster addition of MSNBC’s Donahue, along with “Forbidden Truth: U.S.-Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy and the Failed Hunt for bin Laden” author Jean Charles Brisard and Michael Moore.

Guerrilla of the week
The Forbidden Truth


12. Mai 2002

when i wrote this i thought if the families really want to know the truth!
truth ain´t always easy! another question might be, will the us government tell them the truth! the us didn´t catch usama(i think they don´t want him to be catched, in order to extend their fight for/against? "gerechtigkeit"(i don´t know the english spelling of that word sorry! ) )
the us government founded a officially propagandamaschinery to hide the truth about their wars!


15. April 2002
Right. Surely they wanted to hide their interests about the pipeline from Afghanistan to Turkmenistan as long as possible. But it somes almost obvious why O'Neill was hindered to conduct terrorists properly - in fact he was hindered by American oil-concerns like Unocal.
The interests of TotalFinaElf, Shell and Gasprom make the whole axis a conflict area - Russia and Iran play their roles, which proves: the whole story comes out as an old game

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