New York Post ruft zum Deutschland-Boykott auf


dkR schrieb:
In times of globalization your refuse to buy German products is quite useless.

You are absolutly correct! :wink:

This is my own personal way of telling the French and Germans:


If I honestly feel that strongly about this issue, would I not be a liar if I continued to purchase French and German products?

Will it actually do anything? NO.

Does it make me feel better? YES


Hunble schrieb:
I totally support the idea of moving the American Military out of Germany and deploying them to Poland and Bulgaria.

A lot of Germans would be very happy if the US remove their military out of our country. I live in a city with an american army-base and I´m sick of seeing them every day.
I´m really not the only one who would be very pleased if your troops go and never came back.

Stop the damned occupation! Yankees go home!


semball schrieb:
[Stop the damned occupation! Yankees go home!

Remember, it is my personal tax money that is being used to support the military in Germany.

During the Cold War, when America was defending Germany from the USSR, I was more than willing to risk my own life to protect my friends.

Today, there is absolutly no valid military reason for American soldiers to be located in Germany. NONE!

Moving the American soldiers into Poland and Bulgaria would do 4 major things:

1) America would demonstrate it's obligation to support the new democratic countries.

2) Insure that Russia never attempts to expand again.

3) Provide financial stability to the Eastern European countries and help them to develope a vialable economy.

4) Position American soldiers closer to potential areas of conflict.

Perhaps we are now in full agreement on at least one subject.


Trasher schrieb:
Humble is back, hide the children. :lol:

Be warned, don't drink St. Pauli Girl Beer! It's made by evil old europeans.


Quick question:

Every German town has it's own beer. What is the official beer for the town of Meppen?

Do you realize that Apple Schnapps is almost impossible to obtain in America?

Perhaps one day, I may tell you a funny story about two very drunk American soldiers who drank way too much Apple Schnapps in Meppen Germany during an ice storm.

It is amazing what an automobile can do when the roads are covered with ice and the soldiers are very drunk! Thank God a German soldier ran out of his military building before the car entered the front door.

No problem, the German soldier joined us that evening for one heck of a party and we built a new building the next day. (Guard shack)


semball schrieb:
The US-troops were very usefull during the cold war, but today their presence here is not necessary anymore.

I absolutely agree! Why is America paying millions of dollars each year to Germany to support soldiers that are no longer needed to protect Germany?

Perhaps the Iraq issue has forced our two countries to ask some rather important questions.


Hunble schrieb:
During the Cold War, when America was defending Germany from the USSR, I was more than willing to risk my own life to protect my friends.
I think it has been more the interests of your government you was willing to risk your life for.
And during Cold War our protection was part of the interests of your government.

Hunble schrieb:
Today, there is absolutly no valid military reason for American soldiers to be located in Germany. NONE!
That's right. Neither USA nor Germany has reasons for having american soldiers here. So what are they still doing here?

But I don't understand why the Americans were going so angry with us.
We don't want the war against iraq because we don't see a reason for that. We would help our friends if they would
be attacked, but that is not the case. Iraq was not participated in WTC. Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction.
There are no evidences. But a lot of lies to construct reasons for a war.
That we are friends and allies of USA does not mean that we are their colony or dogs and that have to do what they say.
We don't like a 'preventive war'. It is just a more friendly name for 'war of aggression'.
We see that there are only economic interests for that war. Why should we support it?


Muaha diese dämlichen Amerikaner. Amerika? Italienischer Seefahrer.

Scheisse man, wir haben dieses Drecksland geschaffen.

Woher kamen denn Einstein und Oppenheimer? Woher kamen Rockefeller und Rothschild? Von Braun? Boeing? Trump? Richter? Rumsfeld ist doch selbst deutsch, dieser Idiot. Ari Fleischer ist deutsch. FBI-Direktor Muller ist deutsch. Über 100 Millionen andere stammen aus Deutschland.

Es kommt auf die Gene an. Amerikaner sind keine eigene Rasse. Das sind wir. Wir haben diesen Müll gross gemacht, und jetzt spielt das Versuchskaninchen sich gegen uns auf?! Oder leben da nur Indianer? Ist schon lustig, für was die sich halten.

Normalerweise müssten die USA von Deutschland und Israel kontrolliert werden. Denn die Deutschen und die Israeliten sind die begabtesten...


Sie hatten alle deutsche Gene. Der Grossteil von Israel hat deutsche Gene. Aber darauf kam es mir garnicht an.

Die Welt, vor allem EUROPA, hat die USA geschaffen. Die USA ist im grundegenommen nichts. Und es kommt NUR auf die Gene an. Deutsche haben deutsche Gene. Italienier italienische. Und die USA? Die haben UNSERE!

Und jetzt spielen die sich als bestes Volk der Welt auf. Da muss man doch kotzen, nur noch kotzen! Diese Trottel haben nichts begriffen.

Guck dir doch die Nachnamen der Menschen in den USA an. Dann kannst du genau sagen, wo die Familie ursprünglich herkommt...


Hoaxx schrieb:
Sie hatten alle deutsche Gene. Der Grossteil von Israel hat deutsche Gene. Aber darauf kam es mir garnicht an.

Die Welt, vor allem EUROPA, hat die USA geschaffen. Die USA ist im grundegenommen nichts. Und es kommt NUR auf die Gene an. Deutsche haben deutsche Gene. Italienier italienische. Und die USA? Die haben UNSERE!

Und was willst Du Hobby-Genetiker uns damit sagen? :roll:

"Rasse ist eine Gruppe von Menschen, die sich durch gemeinsame blutmäßig bedingte, in der gleichen Zusammensetzung anderweit nicht vorhandene körperliche, geistige und seelische Eigenschaften von anderen Menschengruppen abheben."


Tweedledee schrieb:
[Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction.
There are no evidences.

You know, when I joined the U.S. Army in 1974 and risked my life to defend Germany against the USSR, I did it with full knowledge.

Hey, can you and I make a deal?

Can American bombers drop any biological, chemical or nuclear weapons that it finds in Iraq over Berlin or Paris?

If Iraq does not have these weapons, then you have nothing to be afraid of.

That is the difference between you and me my friend.

I risked my life to defend the people I love.

You just bitch and moan about it.

In English, the word for men like that is: "COWARD"


Well as i wrote:

America = italian sailor

We (the rest of the world, especially europe) built up your country out of shit, and now your government says that we suck, because we dont want the war against Iraq. When the european people vote about your presidents life, and the result shows that Bush must die, then he has to die! Because the United States of America only exist because we wanted it to exist...


Well as i wrote:

America = italian sailor

We (the rest of the world, especially europe)

Nope. Neither you nor me but some of our ancestors...

built up your country out of shit,
means destroyed a perfect working community of native tribes that lived in harmony with nature so far but go ahead...

and now your government says that we suck, because we dont want the war against Iraq. When the european people vote about your presidents life, and the result shows that Bush must die, then he has to die! Because the United States of America only exist because we wanted it to exist...

I'd like you to prove that immediately. To whom do you refer by saying we? *lookingaround*

You embarass me.


"Rasse ist eine Gruppe von Menschen, die sich durch gemeinsame blutmäßig bedingte, in der gleichen Zusammensetzung anderweit nicht vorhandene körperliche, geistige und seelische Eigenschaften von anderen Menschengruppen abheben."

Ja ROFL das meine ich doch!

Deutsche sind deutsche, aufgrund ihrer Gene. Das besagt der Text. Und Amerikaner? Es leben nicht zu 100% Indianer da! Die haben natürlich ihre Gene. Die USA ist ein Einwanderungsland, geschaffen hauptsächlich von Europa.

DARAUF kommt es an. Deutsche Gene (Einstein, Oppenheimer) haben die Amerikaner die Atombombe erfinden lassen. Haben sie fliegen lassen (Boeing). Von Braun hat die erste Trägerrakete oder sowas entworfen. Ohne das wäre die NASA nur Scheisse gewesen.

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